Re: AMBER: antechamber

From: Barbault Florent <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 16:59:03 +0200


If it is a classical DNA strand, antechamber is not suitable. You may have to
read directly your mol2 file or pdb file with leap or xleap. I think you have
to use leaprc.ff03 for dna.
Florent Barbault

Le lundi 9 juillet 2007, Marie Brut a écrit :
> I prepared a mol2 file containing the coordinates of a small double strand
> of DNA. Then, I used antechamber to generate a prepin file but here is the
> problem
> : until the end of the first strand, everything is normal, but after the
> : prepin
> file is like this :
> 67 X 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
> 68 X 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
> ....
> Could anyone help me to solve my problem ?
> Thanks,
> Marie
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Dr Florent Barbault
Maitre de conferences
Universite Paris VII
Laboratoire ITODYS
1, rue Guy de la Brosse
75005 Paris FRANCE
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Received on Wed Jul 11 2007 - 06:07:26 PDT
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