$AMBERHOME/exe was ../../exe
not ../exe as I was trying all time,
as I thought since I created it
after renaming the old one to preserve
the old executables,
sorry, was my mistake.
Thank you again,
Best regards,
2007/7/4, Ye Mei <>:
> make sure that the directory $AMBERHOME/exe exists.
> Best regards,
> Ye Mei
> Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
> Key Laboratory of Mesoscopic Chemistry
> School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
> Nanjing University
> Nanjing 210093
> P.R.China
> 2007-07-04
> ======= 2007-07-04 17:02:38 j j wrote=======
> >Dear Amber Users,
> >I have in mind trying some md with replica exchange.
> >I read in the manual I should specify:
> >make AMBERBUILDFLAGS='-DREM' parallel
> >and then recompile.
> >The steps followed are:
> >cd $AMBERHOME/src/sander
> >make clean
> >and then the previos make.
> >At the end I got the following error message:
> >[...]
> >/bin/mv sander sander.LES ../../exe
> >/bin/mv: when moving multiple files, last argument must be a directory
> >Try `/bin/mv --help' for more information.
> >make: *** [parallel] Error 1
> >....
> >I think everything runs fine but just moving the sander and sander.LES
> >compiled, isnīt it?.
> >I attack the full output of the messages generated in a pdf file,
> >thank you,
> >JJ
> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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