Re: AMBER: Saving (.)prepin file

From: Bill Ross <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 14:05:53 -0700 (PDT)

> The last step is to save and create the topology and
> coordinate files, upon the command <saveAmberParm BZ prmtop prmcrd>
> the error message is:
> saveAmberParm: Argument #1 is type String must be of type: [unit]
> usage: saveAmberParm <unit> <topologyfile> <coordfile>
> Any hint as to how to overcome this problem ?

This implies that BZ is not the name of the 'Unit' containing what
might be a residue called BZ. 'list' will show all of the units
loaded in leap, from which you should be able to identify the one
you want. (A unit can contain multiple residues.)

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