Re: AMBER: RED - help with installation / config

From: FyD <>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:24:50 +0100

Quoting Seth Lilavivat <>:

> when I try and run RED w/o XRED my log file says:
> rungms [ NOT FOUND ]
> gamess.X?.x [ NOT FOUND ]
> rungms does not seem to be located anywhere on the machine. gamess.01.1 is
> located in the /usr/local/PC_GAMESS directory and I do have
> /usr/local/PC_GAMESS
> in my path. How would I check to see if GAMESS is installed and operating
> correctly?

R.E.D. is only compatible with the GAMESS-US version compiled from the
sources where usually three different binaries (rungms, gamess.00.x &
ddikick.x) are required to execute GAMESS.

I am working now on making R.E.D. compatible with PC-GAMESS under
linux (without Wine). I will come back to you latter on.

regards, Francois

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