Hmm, interesting. I thought I was doing something wrong while trying to
execute make test.parallel when in fact it was something screwy with the
compiled binaries of lam. I recompiled LAM and now it works.
For future reference:
On the head node:
# chmod -R a+w $AMBERHOME/test
# su myuser
$ cd $AMBERHOME/test
$ export DO_PARALLEL='mpirun -np 4'
$ make test.parallel
Thanks for the suggestion,
From: on behalf of David A. Case
Sent: Sun 12/10/2006 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: AMBER: Amber9 Parallel compiled with -lam, how to run
On Sun, Dec 10, 2006, Michael John Hanby wrote:
> Now I'm to the step where I'm supposed to run
> export DO_PARALLEL='mpirun -np 4'
> make test.parallel
> However when I do this I get the error from Lam:
> "It seems there is no lamd running on the host. Please run the lamboot
> command to start the Lam/mpi runtime environment."
> I've tried running lamboot but I still get the same error when running
> make test.parallel.
If you indeed get the "same error" (there is no lamd running on the
host), then
the problem with with lam, not with amber. Did "lamboot" give any reply
(it should
spit out the version number, etc. to the screen). You can run
"lamnodes" to see what
lam thinks is happening. Have you run simple MPI test cases with lam?
...good luck...dac
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Received on Wed Dec 13 2006 - 05:21:33 PST