AMBER: A BUG report, "ptraj corrplane"

From: Myunggi Yi <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 12:42:08 -0500

Dear Amber users,

Nobody answered my question, so that I post this again.

I'd like to extract vector information from a trajectory
using 'corrplane' in 'vector' of 'ptraj'.

I have tested it using amber 8 and amber 9 on different machines (clusters).

The following is my input scirpt.

ptraj noWAT.parm7 << eof >& plane.out
trajin prod.binpos
vector v1 :2,3,38-69.P corrplane out memb-norm.vec
analize timecorr vec1 v1 vec2 v1 out

I've got segmentation fault error message with empty "memb-norm.vec" file.

 line 7: 1775 Segmentation fault

However, when I use the following script,

ptraj noWAT.parm7 << eof >& plane.out
trajin prod.binpos
vector v1 :2,3,38-69.P corrplane
analize timecorr vec1 v1 vec2 v1 out

I've got "", the timecorrelation function.

As you see, If I don't extract the vector file ( No out option ),
the calculation is OK.

How can I extract the vector information?
How , What source code should I fix to get vector?

Have a nice day.

Best wishes,
The AMBER Mail Reflector
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Received on Wed Dec 06 2006 - 06:07:46 PST
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