Re: AMBER: Problem with specifying NOSHAKEMASK

From: Gobind Singh Bisht <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 20:56:27 +0530

hi carlos,
           i'm using amber9 on cygwin.I have run the test suite and got only
these errors which doesnt seems to be related to mask specification.:
possible FAILURE: check mdout.jar.dif
< Etot = -3528.1878 EKtot = 514.2873 EPtot = -
>  Etot   =     -3528.1877  EKtot   =       514.2873  EPtot      =     -
possible FAILURE:  check nma.out.dif
<       7      -4.998E+1     3.451     1.202E+1     O           6
>       7      -4.998E+1     3.451     1.203E+1     O           6
<       8      -5.012E+1     5.273     2.036E+1     O           6
>       8      -5.012E+1     5.274     2.036E+1     O           6
<       9      -4.757E+1     2.643E+1     1.099E+2     C           5
>       9      -4.757E+1     2.642E+1     1.099E+2     C           5
<  PDDGPM3-ESCF=      -47.577
>  PDDGPM3-ESCF=      -47.578
possible FAILURE:  check crambin_md_calc_mulliken.out.dif
<  Etot   =     -1019.2203  EKtot   =        17.4915  EPtot      =     -
>  Etot   =     -1019.2203  EKtot   =        17.4914  EPtot      =     -
possible FAILURE:  check amoeba_jac.mdout.dif
<  EKCMT  =         0.  VIRIAL  =         0.  VOLUME     =         0.0013
>  EKCMT  =         0.  VIRIAL  =         0.  VOLUME     =         0.0028
possible FAILURE:  check ash.mol2.dif
<       3 HH32        1.486    2.454    0.890 hc        1 ACE       0.066
>       3 HH32        1.486    2.454    0.890 hc        1 ACE       0.065
<       6 O           4.391    1.877    0. o         1 ACE       0.606
<       7 N           3.555    3.970    0. n         1 ASH       0.575
<       8 H           2.733    4.556    0. hn        1 ASH       0.334
<       9 CA          4.853    4.614    0. c3        1 ASH       0.047
<      10 HA          5.408    4.316    0.890 h1        1 ASH       0.111
<      11 CB          5.661    4.221    1.232 c3        1 ASH       0.150
<      12 HB2         5.809    3.141    1.241 hc        1 ASH       0.105
>       6 O           4.391    1.877    0. o         1 ACE       0.608
>       7 N           3.555    3.970    0. n         1 ASH       0.576
>       8 H           2.733    4.556    0. hn        1 ASH       0.336
>       9 CA          4.853    4.614    0. c3        1 ASH       0.050
>      10 HA          5.408    4.316    0.890 h1        1 ASH       0.107
>      11 CB          5.661    4.221    1.232 c3        1 ASH       0.152
>      12 HB2         5.809    3.141    1.241 hc        1 ASH       0.107
<      18 C2          4.713    6.129    0. c         1 ASH       0.639
<      19 O1          3.601    6.653    0. o         1 ASH       0.625
<      20 N1          5.846    6.835    0. n         1 NME       0.559
<      21 H4          6.737    6.359    0. hn        1 NME       0.340
<      22 C1          5.846    8.284    0. c3        1 NME       0.076
<      23 H1          4.819    8.648    0. h1        1 NME       0.074
<      24 H2          6.360    8.648    0.890 h1        1 NME       0.035
<      25 H3          6.360    8.648    0.890 h1        1 NME       0.030
>      18 C2          4.713    6.129    0. c         1 ASH       0.640
>      19 O1          3.601    6.653    0. o         1 ASH       0.623
>      20 N1          5.846    6.835    0. n         1 NME       0.560
>      21 H4          6.737    6.359    0. hn        1 NME       0.339
>      22 C1          5.846    8.284    0. c3        1 NME       0.077
>      23 H1          4.819    8.648    0. h1        1 NME       0.073
>      24 H2          6.360    8.648    0.890 h1        1 NME       0.037
>      25 H3          6.360    8.648    0.890 h1        1 NME       0.029
possible FAILURE:  check sustiva.mol2.dif
<       1 C1          0.728    1.403    0.255 ca        1 SUS       0.049
>       1 C1          0.728    1.403    0.255 ca        1 SUS       0.050
<       4 C3          0.290    0.932    0.158 c3        1 SUS       0.315
<       5 C4          1.635    0.352    0.032 c1        1 SUS       0.196
>       4 C3          0.290    0.932    0.158 c3        1 SUS       0.314
>       5 C4          1.635    0.352    0.032 c1        1 SUS       0.197
<      15 C9          0.117    1.500    1.582 c3        1 SUS       0.619
<      16 F1          1.056    2.097    1.693 f         1 SUS       0.229
<      17 F2          0.170    0.536    2.480 f         1 SUS       0.230
>      15 C9          0.117    1.500    1.582 c3        1 SUS       0.620
>      16 F1          1.056    2.097    1.693 f         1 SUS       0.228
>      17 F2          0.170    0.536    2.480 f         1 SUS       0.231
<      24 C11         1.919    0.369    0.836 ca        1 SUS       0.109
>      24 C11         1.919    0.369    0.836 ca        1 SUS       0.108
possible FAILURE:  check DGN.mol2.dif
<      22 H21         1.963   -3.996    8.204 H         1 DGN       0.408
>      22 H21         1.963   -3.996    8.204 H         1 DGN       0.407
<      26 C3'         2.576    2.967    3.331 CT        1 DGN       0.120
>      26 C3'         2.576    2.967    3.331 CT        1 DGN       0.119
<      28 C2'         3.425    1.699    3.439 CT        1 DGN      -0.148
>      28 C2'         3.425    1.699    3.439 CT        1 DGN      -0.149
possible FAILURE:  check mdout.jar.dif
<  Etot   =     -3528.1878  EKtot   =       514.2873  EPtot      =     -
>  Etot   =     -3528.1877  EKtot   =       514.2873  EPtot      =     -
On 12/3/06, Carlos Simmerling <> wrote:
> you need to give more detail such as which amber version you are using.
> Gobind Singh Bisht wrote:
> > dear users,
> >                Sander is not accepting the NOSHAKEMASK string that i
> > entered in the input file.
> > the input file is:
> >
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > md equilibration for 100ps of energy minimised atpase
> >  &cntrl
> >   imin=0,
> >   ntx=1,
> >   ntpr=100,
> >   ntwx=100,
> >   nstlim=50000,
> >   dt=0.002,
> >   cut=12.0,
> >   ntb=0,
> >   igb=1,
> >   ntt=3, gamma_ln= 1.0,
> >   tempi=0.0, temp0=300.0,
> >   ntc=3, ntf=1, jfastw=4,
> >
> >
> noshakemask=":2076-2086,2336-2346,2261-2266,1609-1619,1869-1879,1794-1799,
> > 2530-2540,2790-2800,2715-2720,3268-3290,3210-3222",
> >  /
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > sander is giving the following error in the output file:
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Error in group input::atommask.f::tokenize
> > illegal symbol in maskstr:
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Can anybody please help me figure out what wrong.
> > thanx
> > gobind
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Gobind Singh Bisht
Btech III year (Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering)
Department Of Biotechnology
IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur-721302
West Bengal, India
Ph No: +919932604909
The AMBER Mail Reflector
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Received on Wed Dec 06 2006 - 06:07:09 PST
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