AMBER: single or dual topology for TI?

From: Holly Freedman <>
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:20:51 -0600

Dear AMBER help list,

I plan to use AMBER8 to set up some thermodynamic integration calculations for determining relative
free energies of colchicine (a three-ring, 54 atom organic molecule) and various derivatives in water. I
would like to know if the TI implementation coded in AMBER8 works better for single or
dual topology TI. I am going to set up TI where an OCH3 group (all atom representation) on colchicine
is mutated to an OH group, or as another example, to an OCH2CHCH2 group, and I was wondering if I
should use dual or single topology perturbation. For example in the first case I gave of mutating OCH3
to OH, should I change that C on colchicine into an H and the three H's into dummy atoms, or should I
change all atoms in the CH3 group into dummy atoms and then also have a dummy atom on the
colchicine that I change into an H? I've never done TI before, and it would be great to hear any advice
you have on this.

Holly Freedman
Department of Physics, University of Alberta
Edmonton CANADA
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