Re: AMBER: AMBER minimization vs. Gaussian optimization

From: FyD <>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:14:07 +0200

> I have a question regarding the sugar pucker of the nucleic acid residues.
> For watson-crick bases (nucleosides), the gaussian optimized structures
> are in 3'-endo conformation while the AMBER minimized structures are in
> 2'-endo conformation. Is the AMBER force field parameters choosen such
> that the nucleic acid residues are forced to have 2'-endo character?
> For my modified nucleic acid residues, when I minimize them using AMBER
> force field, I am not getting the 2'-endo character. I am getting

You could look at R.E.DD.B. for projects containing regular DNA & RNA
See among many other projects: for DNA for RNA for DNA & RNA

Download the corresponding files, the PDB files are HF/6-31G*
optimized structures of C3'endo conformation for RNA and C2'endo &
C3'endo conformations for DNA.

They could be good starting point for your own QM optimization structures...
Description of the use of QM constraints during the optimization step
is also provided...

regards, Francois

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Received on Sun Oct 08 2006 - 06:07:14 PDT
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