Dear Amber Users,
I am trying to build a parallel version of Amber on a Linux box running
Red Hat Enterprise Linux v 4.0
I got the following error messages:
cpp -traditional -I/usr/include -P -DMPI -xassembler-with-cpp
-Dsecond=ambsecond evb_vars.f > _evb_vars.f
gfortran -c -O0 -fno-second-underscore -ffree-form -o evb_vars.o _evb_vars.f
cpp -traditional -I/usr/include -P -DMPI -xassembler-with-cpp
-Dsecond=ambsecond evb_input.f > _evb_input.f
gfortran -c -O0 -fno-second-underscore -ffree-form -o evb_input.o
cpp -traditional -I/usr/include -P -DMPI -xassembler-with-cpp
-Dsecond=ambsecond evb_init.f > _evb_init.f
gfortran -c -O0 -fno-second-underscore -ffree-form -o evb_init.o _evb_init.f
Error: Can't open included file 'mpif-common.h'
In file _evb_init.f:382
call mpi_bcast ( xdat_dia(n)% q, ndim, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0,
Error: Symbol 'mpi_double_precision' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
In file _evb_init.f:387
call mpi_bcast ( xdat_dia(n)% filename, 512, MPI_CHARACTER, 0,
Error: Symbol 'mpi_character' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
In file _evb_init.f:342
call mpi_bcast ( ndim, 1, MPI_INTEGER, 0, commworld, ierr )
Error: Symbol 'mpi_integer' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
make[1]: *** [evb_init.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/franck/Amber9/amber9/src/sander'
make: *** [parallel] Error 2
Could any body give a hint on what to do is this particular case?
Thank you in advance for your replies.
PS: Amber serial version is installed and run properly on my machine
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Received on Sun Sep 10 2006 - 06:07:02 PDT