AMBER: energy terms

Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 17:25:31 +0200 (Hora (unknown charset) estándar romance)

Hello AMBER users,

I am doing some calculations using Sander. After having a look the out files
from a minimisation and a molecular dynamics simulation I have realized that
there are some differences in the energy terms.

For instance, in the output file taken from a minimisation, a term called
1-4 VDW" exists. However, that term does not appear in the out file taken
from a MD simulation but an energy term called "1-4 NB" exists.

I guess there are not any differences between the two energy terms I have
talked about. Am I right?

Any suggestions will be very appreciated.

Javier Perez

Javier Perez
Chemistry Department
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
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