AMBER: Correlation matrix used in quasih (Amber 7)

From: Craig Gough <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 16:06:03 +0900

Dear Amber users,

I would like to access directly the elements of the fluctuation
covariance matrix used in quasih (AMBER 7), to examine correlated
motions in a protein (without reference to any particular mode). Would
someone tell me the appropriate variables and portions of the quasih.f
code (or related modeles) to use? I could be brave and attempt to do
this myself, but to avoid interpreting the code incorrectly, I would
prefer to ask first.


Craig Gough
Integrated Database Team
Japan Biological Information Research Center (JBIRC)
AIST Waterfront Bio-IT Research Building, 7th Floor
Aomi 2-42, Koto-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-3599-8810

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