Re: AMBER: strange mm_pbsa output

From: Ray Luo <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 17:22:57 -0700

It seems that your covalent terms are all screwed up. It is likely that
your water-free snapshots are inconsistent with your water-free prmtop
files. To confirm this, you can try to visualize these files in VMD. If
they mismatch, you wouldn't be able to see correct structures. wrote:

>Dear Amber community,
>I applyed the script to determine the binding free energy o a ligand
>to a protein. My statistics.out file shows the following:
># ----------------------- -----------------------
># ======================= =======================
>ELE -5303.15 5519.36 -5155.80 5535.87 -136.49
>VDW -2632.54 0.00 -2602.06 0.00 3789742.36
>INT 49573990.99 8657606.35 49456164.03 8679472.59 117868.77
>GAS 49566055.30 8658148.78 49448406.17 8679936.88 3907474.64
>PBSUR 169.35 8.90 169.16 8.64 2.75
>PBCAL -15530.45 2187.51 -15500.38 2171.48 -65.88
>PBSOL -15361.11 2187.01 -15331.21 2171.10 -63.13
>PBELE -20833.60 5366.67 -20656.18 5341.50 -202.37
>PBTOT 49550694.19 8657701.57 49433074.95 8679489.35 3907411.51
>GBSUR 243.86 12.82 243.60 12.44 3.96
>GB -17701.21 1411.59 -17683.36 1406.15 -69.60
>GBSOL -17457.35 1405.56 -17439.76 1400.41 -65.64
>GBELE -23004.36 5678.48 -22839.16 5681.10 -206.09
>GBTOT 49548597.95 8657432.67 49430966.41 8679215.96 3907408.99
># -----------------------
># =======================
>ELE -10.86 79.84
>VDW -3789772.84 12298842.54
>INT -41.81 373.08
>GAS -3789825.50 12298813.02
>PBSUR -2.57 0.78
>PBCAL 35.80 213.86
>PBSOL 33.24 213.81
>PBELE 24.95 222.28
>PBTOT -3789792.27 12298821.27
>GBSUR -3.70 1.12
>GB 51.75 50.11
>GBSOL 48.06 49.49
>GBELE 40.90 78.04
>GBTOT -3789777.45 12298812.93
>Analyzing these results I was very stranged by the quite large values of the VDW
>and GAS components and the corresponding SD. During the calculation the
>following warning messages appeared:
>vertex atom mismatch
> atom: 1398
>vertex atom: 1395
>molsurf: molsurf.c:1055: is_buried: Assertion `sarg1 >= 0.0' failed.
>vertex atom mismatch
> atom: 2429
>vertex atom: 2428
>vertex atom mismatch
> atom: 2798
>vertex atom: 2795
>vertex atom mismatch
> atom: 2998
>vertex atom: 2995
>vertex atom mismatch
> atom: 3098
>vertex atom: 3095
>No skew or curtosis when zero variance in moment
>No skew or curtosis when zero variance in moment
>No skew or curtosis when zero variance in moment
>No skew or curtosis when zero variance in moment
>No skew or curtosis when zero variance in moment
>No skew or curtosis when zero variance in moment
>I run the MD simulation in explicit solvent, and I stripped the waters and
>counter ion previous to the mm_pbsa analysis. I also created new prmtop files
>of the complex, the receptor and ligand without waters for mm_pbsa.
>Any hint about what's going wrong with my system or why these large values
>appears would be greatly appreciated,
>Alfredo Quevedo
>Facultad de Ciencias Químicas
>Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Ray Luo, Ph.D.
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3900
Office: (949)824-9528         Lab: (949)824-9562
Fax: (949)824-8551          e-mail:
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Received on Sun May 14 2006 - 06:07:17 PDT
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