On Mon, May 08, 2006, Kenley Barrett wrote:
> Thanks very much for your reply. First, a question: When you say I need to
> replace the "first blank string" with my residue name, do you mean that it
> should look like this:
> >!entry.HMH.unit.residues table str name int seq int childseq int
> startatomx str restype int imagingx
> >"HMH" 1 27 1 "?" 0
> instead of like this?:
> >!entry.HMH.unit.residues table str name int seq int childseq int
> startatomx str restype int imagingx
> >"" 1 27 1 "?" 0
> I read Mhaa_New_h_edited.prep and Mhaa_New_h.frcmod into Xleap,
> erased the blocking groups on the residue, and saved it as HMH.lib.
Given the long history in getting to this point, it's hard to tell if
the Mhaa_New_h_edited.prep has a problem or not. Here's some things to
1. Look at differences between your file, and example files, e.g. in
$AMBERHOME/test/antechamber or in $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/prep. See if you can
spot anything that would lead to blank residue name.
2. Try reading in a "good" prep file into LEaP, and then writing it out
as on off file. Make sure the residue name gets written correctly, and that
you can read back in the lib/off file.
...good luck...dac
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Received on Wed May 10 2006 - 06:07:04 PDT