AMBER: Error while running test.serial in Amber9

From: Priti Hansia <>
Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 16:33:27 +0530 (IST)

Dear users,

I have successfully installed Amber9 (serial) on my pc. After that I was
testing the basic AMBER distribution as instructed. It was doing fine
until it gave the following problem:

cd tgtmd/change_target; ./Run.tgtmd
SANDER: Targeted MD with changing target
diffing with tgtmd.out
possible FAILURE: check tgtmd.out.dif
cd tgtmd/change_target.rms; ./Run.tgtmd
SANDER: Targeted MD with changing target and fit/rmsd
        to different regions
diffing with tgtmd.out
possible FAILURE: check tgtmd.out.dif
cd tgtmd/change_target.ntr; ./Run.tgtmd
SANDER: Targeted MD with changing target and restraints
diffing with tgtmd.out
cd tgtmd/conserve_ene; ./Run.tgtmd
SANDER: Targeted MD energy conservation test
diffing with tgtmd.out
possible FAILURE: check tgtmd.out.dif
cd tgtmd/minimize; ./Run.tgtmin
SANDER: Targeted minimization
  ./Run.tgtmin: Program error
make: *** [test.sander.BASIC] Error 1

and it didnt complete the test run. Can anybody please tell me why it has
happened ?

Thanks in advance.

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Received on Thu May 04 2006 - 17:10:36 PDT
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