Re: AMBER: MM_PBSA: “Found unknown atflag DELPHI”

From: Scott Pendley <>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 16:54:53 -0600


could you post your mm_pbsa input script and state which version of amber
you are using?


On 4/24/06, haixiao jin <> wrote:
> The system contains protein, ATP, MG.
> I want to calculate the binding energy between ATP and protein.
> 1. com.pdb (protein, ATP, two MG)
> receptor.pdb (protein, two MG)
> ATP.pdb (ATP)
> The parameter of ATP was added in xleap
> 2. dephi.crg file revised.
> The charge of C terminal and N –terminal residue was changed
> The charge of ATP was addedl
> 3. atmtypenumber file revised
> the atom type of atom in ATP was added according to the atom type of atom
> in GTP
> to get out snapshot of trajectory has run well, without any error message,
> but calculated the binding energy could not run, with this message : "Found
> unknown atflag DELPHI". Why?
> What do I do next? Thank you for help in advance!

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