>> cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = ptraj.c, Line = 4038
>> A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement
>> in a block.
> This was fixed 'I believe' on the 21st of April.
> See bugfix 1: http://amber.scripps.edu/bugfixes90.html
> If this still doesn't work please let us know.
I ran into a similar problem building Bioconductor for R 2.2.1 earlier
this year. I quote Herve Pages (one of the Bioconductor developers):
"The ability to declare a variable in the middle of a block was
introduced in the C99 specifications."
C99 isn't supported on the MIPSpro 7.3 compilers at all.
As Mr Tzanov noted, using the 7.4 release of the compilers fixes this
(because it introduces C99 support on IRIX). Expect to have to upgrade
compilers on Solaris too - Workshop 6 does not support C99, the current
release Studio 11 does, and it might be that for some older Solaris
releases (7 in my case) the newer compilers are not an option.
Atro Tossavainen (Mr.) / The Institute of Biotechnology at
Systems Analyst, Techno-Amish & / the University of Helsinki, Finland,
+358-9-19158939 UNIX Dinosaur / employs me, but my opinions are my own.
< URL : http : / / www . helsinki . fi / %7E atossava / > NO FILE ATTACHMENTS
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