I am trying to install Amber 9
on SGI rix 6.5 and I am getting:
cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = ptraj.c, Line = 4038
A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
int natomCL = lesSize( atoms );
cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = ptraj.c, Line = 4040
A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
double* xrep = safe_malloc( sizeof( double ) * natomCL );
cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = ptraj.c, Line = 4041
A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
double* yrep = safe_malloc( sizeof( double ) * natomCL );
cc-1241 cc: ERROR File = ptraj.c, Line = 4042
A declaration cannot appear after an executable statement in a block.
double* zrep = safe_malloc( sizeof( double ) * natomCL );
Obviously a bug. Any suggestions?
Alexander Tzanov
Scientific Computing and Visualization
New York University, WWH
251 Mercer Street
phone: 212 998 3159
fax: 212 995 4120
e-mail: alex.tzanov.nyu.edu
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Received on Wed Apr 26 2006 - 06:07:08 PDT