Re: AMBER: RE: Respgen segemtation fault

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 04:49:34 -0700

On Wed, Apr 19, 2006, Simon Whitehead wrote:

> Thanks for your reply Prof. Case. I tried what you suggested but that also
> ended in a segmentation fault. However, i didn`t have the file in my
> $AMBERHOME/test/antechamber/tp directory, only a pdb file, so converted it
> using antechamber. Is this ok because this is what i have been doing with my
> input files? I have also listed below a copy of the .ac file i am using as
> the input for respgen, maybe this might provide some insight? The c
> compilers i have used are gcc and g++. Does this give you any more clues?

What does "uname -a" say (what type of computer do you have) and "gcc
--version" (which version of gcc)?

Your input, and all inputs I have tried, work fine for me; so there must be
something different about your system and mine, and we need to try to figure
out what it is. You may have to fire up a debugger at your end to find out
where the segfault is coming from.


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