you need to specify a range for copies just like for residues.
give a first and last number- for copy 2 you can say
#cop 2 2
there are no parentheses so commands are processed in order.
you need to be careful with logical syntax without parentheses.
your command will choose copy 2 in residues 17 to 24 and
all atoms in the other residue ranges. that seems like a reasonable
thing of those have no copies.
Amber admin wrote:
> Hello Amber Users,
> last year Xin posted that he had a problem with
> separating LES regions in moil view.
> A have the same problem and couldn't find the reply to the posting, so a
> wanted to ask if anyone could send me the link or tell me, how it is
> done.
> My protein consists of 46aa and i copied residues 17-24. i used the
> following pick command in moil view:
> pick #mon 17 24 & #cop 2 | #mon 1 16 | #mon 25 46 done
> Do blanks or order of picked aa matter?
> thank you in advance,
> claudia
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