From: Wen Li <>
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 09:59:04 -0400

Thanks for Dr. Simmerling's help. I have the following two questions:

1. I understand that snapshots from a trajectory can be selected by
defining a time interval. However, if somehow I have snapshots in PDB
format, say 100 pdb files, should I read in these PDB by using 100 times
of trajin: trajin mypdb1.pdb, trajin mypdb2.pdb .... or put them in one
PDB file using "TER" to separate each snapshot?

If the 100 pdb files have to be read in separately:
trajin mypdb1.pdb
trajin mypdb2.pdb

What is the maximum number of pdb files that can be read in?

2. Would the following procedure produce what I expect to get: align
nucleotides 1-10 in 100 pdb files to a reference pdb, and calculate rmsd
of nucleotides 50-60 when nucleotides 1-10 are aligned:

trajin mypdb1.pdb
trajin mypdb2.pdb
reference ref.pdb
rms reference :1-10
rms reference out outputfile :50-60 nofit


On Mon, 3 Apr 2006, carlos wrote:

> I'm not sure what nts are, but in ptraj you can use
> the rms command and say "nofit" at the end. this will
> leave the structure at the previous fit. so, do a regular
> rms command fitting to 1-10, then do rms for 50-60 with nofit
> at the end of the line.
> Wen Li wrote:
> > I was hoping someone could help me on the following question:
> >
> > I have one molecule (100 nts) in 100 conformaions so in 100 pdb files. How
> > can I find rmsd of nts 50-60 of each conformation relative to nts 50-60 in
> > reference conformation when every conformation is aligned to the reference
> > at nts 1-10.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Wen
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