>2. The "SURFTEN" and "SURFOFF" parameters in PB section.
>I have seen a few different settings of these two parameters in others' papers, such as 0.00542 and 0.092, 0.00542 and 0.92, 0.005 and 0, I wonder which setting is appropriate on earth while delphi is used.
It should be pointed out that the surface tension parameters
(SURFTEN/SURFOFF) depend on what radii set is used to compute the
SURFACE area of a molecule. It is the molecule's nonpolar solvation
energy that is to be reproduced, i.e. "SURFTEN * SURFACE + SURFOFF" is
the same for the molecule even if SURFTEN and SURFOFF are different.
So it is not a surprise that there are different SURFTEN values because
different radii sets are used to compute the molecule's SURFACE area.
Your first cited parameter set 0.00542/0.92 was originally for the PARSE
radii set. I think the offset of 0.092 in your second cited parameter
set is a typo. Your third cited parameter set 0.005/0.86 (not ZERO) are
for the RADIOPT=1 set in PBSA program.
>3. "RADIOPT".
>The example says that a value of 0 uses the cavity radii from the prmtop file, and a value of 1 sets up optimized cavity radii at the pbsa initialization phase. I wonder which one is better for the case of protein-protein interaction.
You may want to do your own research to find out. The calculations are
very fast.
Ray Luo, Ph.D.
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3900
Office: (949)824-9528 Lab: (949)824-9562
Fax: (949)824-8551 e-mail: rluo.uci.edu
Home page: http://rayl0.bio.uci.edu/rayl/
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