Dear ambers,
I have had many times a question in my mind when doing equilibrations
on periodic systems with explicit waters (PME). In the amber manual it
is recommended to do the heating step (first step of equilibration) at
constant volume rather than constant pressure....However, I have used
both ways and the systems that I worked on equilibrated properly in both
So, I was wondering about the background of this recommendation in
the amber manual (page 98 under NTB). Could somebody explain in few
words why it is recommended to do the heating step at constant volume?
Best wishes
Dr. Vlad Cojocaru
EML Research gGmbH
Molecular and Cellular Modeling Group
Villa Bosch
Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33
69118 Heidelberg
Phone: +49-6221-533266
Fax: +49-6221-533298
Additional info: my home page
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