From: laura zan <>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 05:54:28 -0800 (PST)

Dear AMBER users,

I did a RESP fit on guanine (RG), capped with a methyl
group at N9. I knew I wouldn't get the same charges as
those in, but I wasn't expecting such big

atom my charges
N9 0.0492 -0.008536
C8 0.1374 0.119023
H8 0.1640 0.152369
N7 -0.5709 -0.529202
C5 0.1744 -0.031449
C6 0.4770 0.737717
O6 -0.5597 -0.586775
N1 -0.4787 -0.819068
H1 0.3424 0.416906
C2 0.7657 1.041551
N2 -0.9672 -1.120108
H21 0.4364 0.468264
H22 0.4364 0.468264
N3 -0.6323 -0.771436
C4 0.1222 0.358782
total -0.1037 -0.1037

The total charge on the methyl group was constrained
at 0.1037, which made the net charge on the base the
same as that in It is said that
differences bigger than 0.1 are likely due to errors
in the inputs, so I am including the gaussian input
file along with the resp input files (input files were
generated by antechamber, I modified the RESP inputs
to add the charge constraint).


#HF/6-31G* SCF=tight Test Pop=MK iop(6/33=2)

The structure is already optimized

0 1
N 2.055470 .915786 .000000 C .686292
 .773862 .000000
C .343048 -.552488 .000000
N 1.509766 -1.236982 .000000
C 2.500180 -.282756 .000000
C -.359250 1.755612 .000000
N -1.620822 1.108796 .000000
C -1.837352 -.233152 .000000
N -.890976 -1.112274 .000000
N -3.122779 -.639015 .000000
O -.322786 2.949160 .000000
H -3.302019 -1.615975 .000000
H -3.888045 -.008030 .000000
H -2.393892 1.739352 .000000
H 3.534084 -.563481 .000000
C 1.664508 -2.674579 .000000
H 1.206542 -3.105048 .880243
H 1.206542 -3.105048 -.880243
H 2.719909 -2.908217 .000000


Resp charges for organic molecule


 nmol = 1,
 ihfree = 1,
 ioutopt = 1,

Resp charges for organic molecule
    0 19
    7 0
    6 0
    6 0
    7 0
    6 0
    6 0
    7 0
    6 0
    7 0
    7 0
    8 0
    1 0
    1 12
    1 0
    1 0
    6 0
    1 0
    1 0
    1 0
    4 0.1037
    1 16 1 17 1 18 1 19


Resp charges for organic molecule


 nmol = 1,
 ihfree = 1,
 ioutopt = 1,
 iqopt = 2,
 qwt = 0.001,

Resp charges for organic molecule
    0 19
    7 -99
    6 -99
    6 -99
    7 -99
    6 -99
    6 -99
    7 -99
    6 -99
    7 -99
    7 -99
    8 -99
    1 -99
    1 -99
    1 -99
    1 -99
    6 0
    1 0
    1 17
    1 17
    4 0.1037
    1 16 1 17 1 18 1 19

I really don't know what's going on, surely there must
be a mistake somewhere. Please I need your help. I
would be most grateful if you could help me sort this
problem out, any suggestion you could give me would be
highly appreciated. Thank you.




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