AMBER: Resp install problem, again

From: Jianzhong Liu <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 11:03:24 -0500

Dear all,

I think last time the error message maybe not enough for all of you
understant what our problems are. Here are all error message.

.../Compile L1 -P resp.f
cat resp.f |
/lib/cpp -traditional -I/root/plep/src/lib -P -Dlinux -DISTAR2 -DHAS_FTN_ERFC
> _resp_.f
g77 -c -O -march=x86-64 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-globals -ff90
-funix-intrinsics-hide _resp_.f
_resp_.f: In subroutine `readin':
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:461: (continued):
           call amopen(3,qin,'O','F','R')
Argument #2 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f: In subroutine `mult_mol':
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:662: (continued):
           call amopen(3,qin,'O','F','R')
Argument #2 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f: In subroutine `matpot':
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:910: (continued):
         call amopen(10,espot,'O','F','R')
Argument #2 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f: In subroutine `cycle':
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:1381: (continued):
            call amopen(4,qwts,'O','F','R')
Argument #2 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f: In subroutine `filein':
         input = 'input' ! -i
         1 2
Type disagreement between expressions at (1) and (2)
         output = 'output' ! -o
         1 2
Type disagreement between expressions at (1) and (2)
         punch = 'punch' ! -p
         1 2
Type disagreement between expressions at (1) and (2)
         qin= 'qin' ! -q
         1 2
Type disagreement between expressions at (1) and (2)
         qout= 'qout' ! -t
         1 2
Type disagreement between expressions at (1) and (2)
         espot = 'espot' ! -e
         1 2
Type disagreement between expressions at (1) and (2)
         qwts = 'qwts' ! -w
         1 2
Type disagreement between expressions at (1) and (2)
         esout = 'esout' ! -s
         1 2
Type disagreement between expressions at (1) and (2)
         owrite = 'N'
         1 2
Type disagreement between expressions at (1) and (2)
                   owrite = 'U'
                   1 2
Type disagreement between expressions at (1) and (2)
_resp_.f:1923: warning:
              call getarg(iarg,arg)
_resp_.f:1928: (continued):
                   call getarg(iarg,input)
Argument #2 of `getarg' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:1923: warning:
              call getarg(iarg,arg)
_resp_.f:1931: (continued):
                   call getarg(iarg,output)
Argument #2 of `getarg' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:1923: warning:
              call getarg(iarg,arg)
_resp_.f:1934: (continued):
                   call getarg(iarg,punch)
Argument #2 of `getarg' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:1923: warning:
              call getarg(iarg,arg)
_resp_.f:1937: (continued):
                   call getarg(iarg,qin)
Argument #2 of `getarg' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:1923: warning:
              call getarg(iarg,arg)
_resp_.f:1940: (continued):
                   call getarg(iarg,qout)
Argument #2 of `getarg' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:1923: warning:
              call getarg(iarg,arg)
_resp_.f:1943: (continued):
                   call getarg(iarg,espot)
Argument #2 of `getarg' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:1923: warning:
              call getarg(iarg,arg)
_resp_.f:1946: (continued):
                   call getarg(iarg,esout)
Argument #2 of `getarg' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:1923: warning:
              call getarg(iarg,arg)
_resp_.f:1949: (continued):
                   call getarg(iarg,qwts)
Argument #2 of `getarg' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
         if(output .ne. 'screen') then
                   1 2
Equality operator at (1) must operate on two scalar (not array)
subexpressions, two function invocations returning arithmetic or character
scalars, or a combination of both -- but the subexpression at (2) is an
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:1966: (continued):
             call amopen(6,output,owrite,'F','W')
Argument #2 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:1966: (continued):
             call amopen(6,output,owrite,'F','W')
Argument #3 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f: In subroutine `pun_sum':
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:2081: (continued):
         call amopen(7,punch,owrite,'F','W')
Argument #2 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:2081: (continued):
         call amopen(7,punch,owrite,'F','W')
Argument #3 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:2104: (continued):
         call amopen(19,qout,owrite,'F','W')
Argument #2 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:2104: (continued):
         call amopen(19,qout,owrite,'F','W')
Argument #3 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f: In subroutine `wrt_pot':
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:2281: (continued):
         call amopen(10, ESPOT,'O','F','R')
Argument #2 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:2283: (continued):
         call amopen(20, ESOUT,owrite,'F','W')
Argument #2 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
_resp_.f:239: warning:
         call amopen(5,input,'O','F','R')
_resp_.f:2283: (continued):
         call amopen(20, ESOUT,owrite,'F','W')
Argument #3 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
[info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
make: *** [resp.o] Error 1

It was not can be compiled.

Any suggestions.

Jianzhong Liu
Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
----- Original Message -----
From: "David A. Case" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: AMBER: Resp install problem

> On Wed, Nov 09, 2005, Jianzhong Liu wrote:
>> Argument #2 of `amopen' is one type at (2) but is some other type at (1)
>> [info -f g77 M GLOBALS]
> These look just like warnings, which can be ignored. Are you having
> problems
> with running the code?
> ...dac
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Received on Thu Nov 10 2005 - 16:53:00 PST
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