AMBER: Ask for helpf to get examples for MM-PBSA with AMBER8

From: Peng Tao <>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2005 14:45:39 -0500

Dear All,
 Recently, I am working on a project that requested me to calculate binding
energy of protein and peptide. I am thinking about MM-PBSA to do this.
>From AMBER8 manual, it is said that "The $AMBERHOME/src/mm_pbsa/Examples
directory shows examples of running" MM-PBSA. Unfortunately, I am not
allowed to access amber source code directory ($AMBERHOME/src) on the
platform I am using AMBER8.
Since these are just examples to show how to use MM-PBSA, I think it might
not be violation to the licence of AMBER8 that someone send these examples
only to me. If so, could anyone that have access to these examples put them
together and send it to me? (email: **)
  Thanks a lot.
 Best regards,
Peng Tao
The Ohio State University

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