Recently, my advocation for ggooooooggggling has been questioned !
I offer a proof by demonstration ;-)
IPO stands for the InterProcedural Optimizer.
This is a stage of compilation that many compilers including ifort may
invoke depending on the optimization level. Sometimes these intermediate
compilation stages produce scratch files. Thus, straightforward
suggestions are to make clean, remove scratch files (ifc was fond of
creating files with names like ifc2wKeIf), turn down the optimization level
via -O1 or -O0, etc.
Now because of my advocation for ggooooooggggling, I didnt stop here; I put
IPO link: can not find "("
into the search bar. Behold! The first hit was to intel with some IPO
C++ known problem; the next hits did not look promising. So I added
ifort to the front of the previous search.
Whamo!!!! A bevy of birdies were hit:
The first hit is a bloody condor:
The fourth one is to an Amber Reflector post.
The fifth hit is another raptor; it leads to an intel page:
I tawt I taw a putty cat
That putty tat never gonna find me here
I did, I did taw a putty cat
That tat is clever as a fox - he's got google
On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Ross Walker wrote:
> Dear Simon,
> > compiler) with fedora core 4 on a PIII system but when i
> Be careful with PIII systems, make sure the config.h file in $AMBERHOME/src/
> does not have -tpp7 defined anywhere. You should be okay if you didn't
> specify -p4 when running configure.
> > mkdir ../exe
> > mkdir: cannot create directory `../exe': File exists
> > make: [serial] Error 1 (ignored)
> You can ignore this error, it is really just a warning.
> > cd lib; make install
> > make[1]: Entering directory `/software/amber8/src/lib'
> > ifort -o new2oldparm new2oldparm.o nxtsec.o
> > IPO link: can not find "("
> > ifort: error: problem during multi-file optimization
> > compilation (code 1)
> > make[1]: *** [new2oldparm] Error 1
> > make[1]: Leaving directory `/software/amber8/src/lib'
> > make: *** [serial] Error 2
> This is the strange bit... What version of ifort are you using? Have you
> checked that it can compile simple programs correctly. You should also check
> that you don't have ifort aliased in some way.
> Try: unalias ifort
> which ifort
> This should point to the binary of ifort. Make sure you have sourced the
> correct options file for ifort as well. E.g. source
> /opt/intel_fc_80/bin/ifortvars.sh
> and then try recompiling.
> If this fails see if you can manually compile anything in the amber
> installation. E.g. try new2oldparm with:
> cd $AMBERHOME/src/lib
> ifort -o new2oldparm new2oldparm.f nxtsec.f
> This should produce the new2oldparm executable in src/lib. If you get some
> errors then it implies there is something wrong with your ifort
> installation.
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Received on Thu Nov 03 2005 - 03:53:00 PST