Re: Re: AMBER: how to reduce box size and delete excess solvent

From: hj zou <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 21:36:40 +0800

Dear Bill Ross,

        Thank you for your kind suggestions. But I have a system of more than 150,000 atoms. If I convert the crd file to pdb, delete the excess atoms and reload pdb file to xleap, errors are met as

======= 2005-05-15 12:50:00 you wrote£º=======

>> I would like to reduce the size of the bounding box (periodic BC) and
>> delete all solvents which don't fit inside new box. How to achieve it?
>> Can anyone furnish a script?
>You could use 'awk'.. something like
> awk '$7 < 21.4 && $8 < 30.4 && $9 < 28.2' in.pdb > out.pdb
>Read up on awk or perl.. some solvent molecules would
>be partial and the atoms could be replaced by leap in
>places that could lead to steric problems. The solution
>would be either a more complex script or iterative manual
>deoletion of the problem residues.
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Hanjun Zou
555 Zu Chong Zhi Road, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park
Drug Discovery and Design Center
Shanghai Institute of Meteria Medica
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shanghai 201203, China
Tel£º +86-21-50806600-1201

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Received on Wed Jul 27 2005 - 14:53:00 PDT
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