AMBER: amber7 test on osx

From: Knut Langsetmo <>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 14:03:25 -0400


i have compiled amber 7 on a mac g5 running osx 10.3 with the ibm xlc
and xlf,
and after using "setenv XLFRTEOPTS "namelist=old:xrf_messages=no""
give the command "make test.sander" in the test directory. i get the
following error:

cd dmp; ./Run.dmp
   Program error
make: *** [test.sander] Error 1

however, if i go to the dmp directory and give the command "../dacdif mdout"
i get the answer:


can anyone give me any suggestions as to what the problem is, and how
to get past the tests.


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