Re: AMBER: Continued:No skew or curtosis when zero variance in moment

From: Elijah Gregory <>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 07:48:55 -0600

If you have zero variance (i.e. zero second statistical moment) then
your standard deviation is zero and calculating the skew (third
statistical moment) and curtosis (fourth statistical moment) involves
a "divide by zero" which is undefined.

The output message is to let you know that the skew and curtosis of
the probability distribution are undefined when the variance equals

But I'm just guessing here, one of the more experienced users or
developers should have a more concerete answer.

~Elijah Gregory
  Center for High Performance Computing
  University of Utah

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 13:2:31 +0800, Xiao He <> wrote:
> Dear Amber users,
> I'm terribly Sorry.It happened in NMODE program
> No skew or curtosis when zero variance in moment
> It is in mm_pbsa/ line 1785,but I do not know what does this mean,thanks!
> Xiao He
> 2004-10-26
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