Re: AMBER: MD problem (very long parhabs endless runtime)

From: Daniel Wetzler <>
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 20:16:12 +0200

Hi Ross,

thanks for your answer !
Unfortunately I couldn't solve the problem yet.

>Do you get any output at all? E.g. if you look in the mdout file has the
>input file at least been reported here?
No I didn't get any output.

>Also, how big is your system? A single step for anything up to 100,000 atoms
>really should not take more than a minute at most.
My system is much smaller. It owns only about 10000 atoms including
about 2000 Water molecules.

>Are you running this on a single cpu? Or in parallel on the machine?
>(mpirun). Also do the test cases all pass? It likely that if you are getting
>no output at all that you sander installation is corrupt. If the test cases
>all pass then this is much more unlikely.
Uh. I didn't check that. Where do I find these test cases ?

>> molecular dynamics
>> &cntrl
>> irest = 0, ntx = 1,
>This bit looks fine.
>> ntb = 2, ntp = 0,
>This part of your input is inconsistent. You are requesting a constant
>pressure run (ntb=2) but then set there to be "NO" pressure scaling (ntp=0).
>This is likely to be the cause of your problem if all the test cases pass.
>However, sander should really have produced an error message in this
I changed the settings to 1 but didn't get any output yet.

>> nstlim = 10,
>If you really only want one step you should set this to nstlim=1. Note btw,
>if you are interested in just obtaining the energy for the "current"
>structure then you are better off doing a single step of minimisation rather
>than MD. (set imin=1 and maxcyc=1). In this way the energy of the initial
>structure will be calculated but no actual structural changes will take
I wanted to set it to one just to check wheteher MD works onmy system.
If it runs I want to
perform a run of much more steps.

>> dt = 0.001,
>> ntpr = 1,
>> ntwx = 1,
>This is fine.
>> ntwv = 1,
>Do you 'really' want to write out the velocities every step? If at all?
Only for my test run later I would set this value to 100.

Belly should work but is not recommended practice any more. Especially if
you are trying to do constant pressure MD. This is unlikely to give you a
stable simulation. I would avoid belly for anything other than
minimisation...!!! And even then you are probably better using restraints

Oh, that's a good hint. But why is belly so bad ?

>I hope this all helps...
>All the best
Thanks a lot. I think I will search for examples to test my sander

Best wishes,


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