Re: AMBER: Sander-7 for Win32

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 16:03:49 -0700

On Wed, Oct 20, 2004, Vlad wrote:
> I have sander-7 program compiled under Windows using Compaq
> Visual Studio, i.e. you can run it without Cygwin as regular
> Windows application. Do you think anybody would be interesting
> in having the executable? If so, how then to distribute it?

Thanks for the information. We have both sander7 and sander8 here compiled
with Absoft (non-cygwin). The problem we have not yet solved is how to carry
out the distribution, and how to handle the updates that would be necessary
as bugfixes become available. And since sander by itself is unlikely to be
very useful to most people, I'm not sure that such a distribution would really
be worth the effort.

....regards...dave case

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