as I said before, this result seems perfectly acceptable to me. what is the
density of water at 600K/1atm? pretty low. reducing step size
and relaxation time will not change that, only switching to NVT will
(or using a huge value for the target pressure, check the experimental
data to see what pressure is needed to keep water a liquid at 600K).
what happened during your constant volume simulation that you ran?
>I checked every tutorial and other responses about my problem. I tried to half
>the step size (i.e. 0.0005 fs) and increase the time of solvent relaxation
>(from 100 to 200ps).
>Btw, the initial density of the system is 0.80 and sander terminates around
>I will try other suggestions.
>Thanks for all your help,
>On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 10:47:58, Bill Ross wrote:
>>>when I try to run sander with high system temperatures (more then
>>>gives out an error saying that: volume of ucell too big, too many subcells
>>Have you seen the amber web material on equilibration?
>>>I am also aware that the density continuously falls
>>>during the constant pressurerun.
>>If the density is approaching 1.0, then this is what you want.
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