OSF1 4.0F doesn't have snprintf, so I get:
cc -o xaLeap basics.o sysdepend.o stringExtra.o varArray.o getline.o avl.o pdb_format.o pdb_read.o pdb_sprntf.o pdb_sscanf.o pdb_write.o vector.o zMatrix.o sort.o bag.o hash.o dictionary.o database.o nVector.o ring.o matrix.o fortran.o displayer.o assoc.o atom.o byteArray.o collection.o container.o internal.o list.o loop.o molecule.o oDouble.o oInteger.o oString.o objekt.o parmSet.o residue.o unit.o unitio.o tripos.o graphUtil.o select.o amber.o build.o elements.o library.o chirality.o minimizer.o model.o parmLib.o pdbFile.o tools.o variables.o parser.o help.o helptext.o octree.o commands.o mathop.o block.o restraint.o hybrid.o xTank.o xAction.o x3d.o xBasics.o xaLeapc.o xaUnitEditor.o xaTable.o xaAtomTable.o XrawRegistr.o xaCommand.o xaTools.o xaAtomParmTable.o xaBondParmTable.o xaAngleParmTable.o xaParmEditor.o xaTorsionParmTable.o xaImproperParmTable.o xaHBondParmTable.o ../Xraw/libXaw.a ../Wc/libWcLeap.a ../Xpm/libXpm.a ../Xmu/libXmu.a -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXt !
Xext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lm -lpthread
What is the suggested fix or workaround? I know that libdb includes
functions with these names, but I seem to recall that they are merely
non-checking wrappers for the non-checking versions and that the
desired functionality is not there. It would allow the program to
compile but do I want to do this?
Atro Tossavainen (Mr.) / The Institute of Biotechnology at
Systems Analyst, Techno-Amish & / the University of Helsinki, Finland,
+358-9-19158939 UNIX Dinosaur / employs me, but my opinions are my own.
< URL : http : / / www . helsinki . fi / %7E atossava / > NO FILE ATTACHMENTS
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