Xiao He schrieb:
> Dear Amber users,
> When I run
> mm_pbsa.pl mm_pbsa.in >mm_pbsa.log & in Amber7 doing binding energy between protein and ligand
> Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::mm_pbsa_stat : $calc_delta,$calc_dec,$input,$output,$snap_min,$snap_max at /usr/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/mm_pbsa_statistics.pm line 275.
> Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::output : $output,$calc_delta at /usr/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/mm_pbsa_statistics.pm line 363.
> Illegal character in prototype for mm_pbsa_statistics::output_snap : $output,$calc_delta,$snap_min at /usr/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/mm_pbsa_statistics.pm line 493.
> Using an array as a reference is deprecated at /usr/amber7/src/mm_pbsa/mm_pbsa_statistics.pm line 560.
> .....
> .....
> .....
> Illegal character in prototype for main::read_radii_pattern : $r_mol->{"RADII"},\%unit_rad,\%exp_rad,\.pat at /usr/amber7/exe/mm_pbsa.pl line 1354.
> Illegal character in prototype for main::generate_pdb : $pdb,$ncrdfile,$npar,$r_pro at /usr/amber7/exe/mm_pbsa.pl line 1419.
> Illegal character in prototype for main::calc_MM_GB_SAS : *OUT,$nsan,$sanout,$ncrdfile,$npar,$r_gen,$r_pro at /usr/amber7/exe/mm_pbsa.pl line 1456.
> Illegal character in prototype for main::calc_PB : $OUT,$pdbbase,$outbase,\%DEL,\%PRO at /usr/amber7/exe/mm_pbsa.pl line 1513.
> Illegal character in prototype for main::calc_statistics : \%GEN,\%DEC,\%DEL,\%GBO,\%PRO at /usr/amber7/exe/mm_pbsa.pl line 1567.
> Illegal character in prototype for main::final_clean_up : \%GEN,\%DEL at /usr/amber7/exe/mm_pbsa.pl line 1645.
> my input using GB model:
> .....
> IGB 4
> SALTCON 0.00
> EXTDIEL 80.0
> #
> SURFTEN 0.0072
> SURFOFF 0.00
> #
> ################################################################################
> .MS
> #
> # Molsurf parameters
> #
> # PROBE - Radius of the probe sphere used to calculate the SAS.
> # RADII - Name of the radii file.
> #
> PROBE 1.4
> RADII ../atmtypenumbers
> .....
The illegal characters are due to an earlier version of perl (under
which the mm_pbsa scripts have been developed for amber7) that allowed
to have variable names etc. in function prototypes. These are just
warnings that don't affect the results.
Best regards
The AMBER Mail Reflector
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Received on Sat Oct 16 2004 - 15:53:00 PDT