In the Amber8 manual there's an example of an
Antechamber command to make a mol2 using a Gaussian
output file. It goes like this:
antechamber -i gaussianout.out -fi gout -o
nameofmol2file.mol2 -fo mol2 -c resp
Try doing that, and if it doesn't work, Antechamber
should make a .pdb file that it typically calls
NEWPDB.PDB. You can always just convert that into a
mol2 file using Sybyl or Insight or whichever suite of
programs you use to manipulate structural files.
Hope this helps.
Robyn Ayscue
--- "Cai, Yufeng" <Yufeng.Cai.umassmed.edu> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am trying to use antechamber to covert a
> Gaussian output to mol2
> files. But it didn't work. If anyone has such
> experience?
> Thanks a lot.
> Yufeng
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