Re: AMBER: Carnal & Radius of gyration

From: Bill Ross <>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 14:51:30 -0700 (PDT)

> I have set up the following "script":
> PARM p1 tmp56.prmtop
> STREAM s1 tmp56_bio_md3.restrt.4
> ...
> and get the following output/error message:
> ...
> > PARM p1 tmp56.prmtop
> Reading parm file (tmp56.prmtop)
> parm: opening tmp56.prmtop
> > STREAM s1 tmp56_bio_md3.restrt.4
> STREAM s1 tmp56_bio_md3.restrt.4
> .......^
> Error in line 3: PARM: expected ';'
> Last token was STREAM

Each 'statement' in carnal input (other than section tags like
FILES_IN) is terminated by a semicolon, which is lacking here.

> Why does it say Amber 6.0?

Forgot to update the string before the amber7 release.

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Received on Tue Oct 12 2004 - 22:53:00 PDT
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