Re: AMBER: process_mdout.perl

From: Donald Thomas <>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 14:23:13 +0800

Hello Bo,


%perl process_mdout.perl model1min2.out

I don't know if the perl scripting language comes pre installed on Mac
OSX. You may need to download and install the language before it will
run. You can find perl for Mac at:

Don Thomas wrote:

>Hello, Amber:
>I try to extract energy information from my output files. In order to do
>so, I copy the 'process_mdout.perl' file into my directory from
>'/usr/local/amber7/tutorial/polyA-polyT' of the local workstation. Here
>is how I did:
>% process_mdout.perl model1min2.out
>% process_mdout: Permission denied.
>Could you please tell me why it does not work, and how can I add
>process_mdout.perl in my path? I use AMBER7 and Mac OSX.
>Thank you.
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Received on Tue Oct 12 2004 - 08:53:00 PDT
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