please look into the antechamber module of amber. It was designed for
this purpose.
mathew k varghese wrote:
> Dear sir,
> How can I build a small molecule with its parameters necessary to run
> minimisation?
> I build the molecule using LeAP. But I dont know how to determine the
> atom types and charges. Please help.
> Thanking You
> /\/\athew
> Mathew K Varghese
> Research Scholar
> School of Pure and Applied Physics
> M.G.University
> Kottayam, Kerala
> India
> email
> Yahoo! India Matrimony
> <*>:
> Find your life partner online
> <*>.
Oliver Hucke, Dr.
Biomolecular Structure Center Health Sciences Building - K418C
Dept. of Biochemistry 1959 NE Pacific St.
University of Washington phone: (206) 685 7046
Box 357742 fax : (206) 685 7002
Seattle, WA 98195-7742 email:
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