Did you try antechamber? Looking at the gaff paper I get the impression
the parameters you need might be covered by this force field:
Junmei Wang et al., J.Comp.Chem. 25 (2004), 1157-1174
Venkata S Koppuravuri wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are constructing prep and frcmod files for phosphoserine ( singly
> negative and doubly negative phosphate) and we are having problems finding
> the following parameters (in both charge states)
> 1. The charges on the oxygen atoms as well as on the phosphorous
> 2. The harmonic force constant for the bond P-O
> 3. The harmonic force constant for the angles
> O-P-O
> O-P-O2
> OH-P-O
> Can anybody provide us with the parameters or direct us to the pertenent
> reference.
> Thanks
> -Venkat
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Oliver Hucke, Dr.
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