Re: AMBER: Amber job submission using PBS

From: Jiten <>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 13:05:39 +0900


Thanks for your reply. Upon following the instructions for submitting
interactively, I come acrross the follwing massges,

[e953kks.node022 e953kks]$ qsub -I -l nodes=2:ppn=2,walltime=1:00:00 -q
qsub: waiting for job 9435.sched to start
qsub: job 9435.sched ready

[e953kks.node025 e953kks]$ $PBS_NODEFILE list.
bash: /var/spool/PBS/aux/9435.sched: Permission denied

[e953kks.node025 e953kks]$ cd /home2/e953kks/amber8/test/4096wat

[e953kks.node025 4096wat]$ set mpich_run =

[e953kks.node025 4096wat]$ set sander = "/home2/e953kks/amber8/exe/sander"

[e953kks.node025 4096wat]$ $mpich_run -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np 4
$sander -O -i gbin -c eq1.x -o mdout.test
bash: -machinefile: command not found

[e953kks.node025 4096wat]$ $mpich_run $PBS_NODEFILE -np 4 $sander -O -i
gbin -c eq1.x -o mdout.test
bash: /var/spool/PBS/aux/9435.sched: Permission denied

[e953kks.node025 4096wat]$ cp /home2/e953kks/amber8/exe/sander .

[e953kks.node025 4096wat]$ $mpich_run -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np 4
.../sander -O -i gbin -c eq1.x -o mdout.test
bash: -machinefile: command not found

[e953kks.node025 4096wat]$ $mpich_run $PBS_NODEFILE -np 4 ./sander -O -i
gbin -c eq1.x -o mdout.test
bash: /var/spool/PBS/aux/9435.sched: Permission denied

[e953kks.node025 4096wat]$

Now when checking /var/spool/PBS/aux
[e953kks.node025 aux]$ ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32 Sep 24 12:54 9435.sched

Any further suggestions will be appreciated.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas E. Cheatham, III" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 2:59 AM
Subject: Re: AMBER: Amber job submission using PBS

>> > node001
>> > node002
>> > node004
>> > node007
>> > /var/spool/PBS/mom_priv/jobs/9355.sched.SC: -machinefile: command not
>> > found
>> > /var/spool/PBS/mom_priv/jobs/9355.sched.SC: -O: command not found
> Regarding the PBS problems, a very good way to debug these is to attempt
> to run the job interatively in the queue.
> qsub -I -l nodes=2:ppn=2,walltime=1:00:00 -q normal
> Then if this starts up, you will be on the first node of the assigned
> Then you can try doing each of the commands by hand.
> cd /home2/e953kks/amber8/test/4096wat
> set mpich_run =
> "/opt/mpich/1.2.5..10/gm-2.0.12-2.4.20-28.7smp-i686/smp/gnu/ssh/bin//mpirun"
> set sander = "/home2/e953kks/amber8/exe/sander"
> $mpich_run -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np 4 $sander -O -i gbin -c eq1.x -o
> mdout.test
> Sometimes with mpich versions I've had trouble in the past if the
> executable to run is not in/out of the current directory, i.e. the paths
> get messed up so it thinks your job is running out of the path where your
> exe is.
> So, try
> cp -p /home2/e953kks/amber8/exe/sander .
> $mpich_run -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np 4 ./sander -O -i gbin -c
> eq1.x -o mdout.test
> The interactive testing in the queue is a very nice way to go...
> Good luck,
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Received on Fri Sep 24 2004 - 05:53:00 PDT
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