AMBER: ptraj problem

From: Marsita M <>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 23:53:53 +0000

hi everyone

say if i want to combine many trajectory files into one files to make a
movie, but i only want selected trajectories, let's say i saved the
coordinates every 100 steps, however, i dont want all the steps to be
included coz the movie will be too long (the files are very huge) .. so i
would like to select only coordinates saved every 1000 steps to be included
in the combined files. but i dont know how to do that.. can somebody help

here is my ptraj file

trajin fr1_.crd.gz
trajin fr2_.crd.gz
trajin fr3_.crd.gz
..( more trajin files)
trajout fr_all.crd
center : 1-864
image familiar
strip :WAT

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Received on Fri Sep 24 2004 - 01:53:00 PDT
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