Partially solving my own problem, by tracing through the leap source
code, it seems
I should have used commands like
set complex.90.C2 pert true
for each atom I'm perturbing. I can't see this anywhere in the
manual, but perhaps I'm being blind.
---- Message from david.evans.ulsop.ac.uk at 2004-09-01 15:31:10
>Dear list,
>My question is about the perturbed bonds, angles etc. when creating a
>prmtop file to be used for TI.
>I am doing a fairly simple perturbation, where one -CH- group changes
>to a -N-
>So I use the following commands in my leap.in file:
>set complex.90.C2 pertName N1
>set complex.90.C2 pertType nd
>set complex.90.C2 pertCharge -0.0693
>set complex.90.H1 pertName LP
>set complex.90.H1 pertType LP
>set complex.90.H1 pertCharge -0.2255
>...... (changing other charges in the residue)
>saveAmberParmPert complex prmtop.uns prmcrd.uns
>The prmtop.uns file produced doesn't contain any information about
>perturbed bonds/angles/dihedrals
>are all blank, but the PERT_ATOM_SYMBOL and PERT_CHARGE fields seem
>to be fine.
>The system runs apparently OK in sander with clambda = 0.5, but I'm
>wondering if the blank fields should concern me. If so, how do I get
>LeAP to fill them?
>Dave Evans
>London School of Pharmacy
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Received on Thu Sep 02 2004 - 01:15:13 PDT