AMBER: about glycam 04

From: Javier Perez Miron <>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 09:40:18 -0800

Dear amber users,

I want to use the new glycam Force Field (glycam 04). I have read the glycam
parameters and I have a question about the definition of some parameters.

I would like to know what the diferent is between the CG, CT and CY carbon

All these carbon atoms have the same definition. They are sp3 C aliphatic and
they have the same value.

Thanks in advance.

Have a nice day!!!


                                              _   _   _________   ____ 
Xavier Perez Miron                            ||  || |    |    | |    \
                                              ||  || |   / \   | |    /
Chemoinformatic                               ||  || |  /   \  | |---|
e-mail:                   \\__// | /_____\ | |    \
                                               \__/  |_|      \| |____/
                                           Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
                                                Department of Chemistry
                                                Organical Chemistry Unit
                                                   Barcelona, Spain.
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