> parameter (MAX_RSTACK=10000000)
> and recompiled it with g77. But I still always get segmentation fault
> when I run this minimization. I think the memory should be ok, right?
You could keep trying to increase MAX_RSTACK, however very telling is
your initial energy from the minimization:
1 3.1454E+20 4.1536E+20 5.5746E+22 N 1239
BOND = 7024.1947 ANGLE = 954.1097 DIHED = 560.6102
VDWAALS = ************* EEL = -54320.3184 HBOND = 0.0000
1-4 VDW = ************* 1-4 EEL = 6912.4118 CONSTRAINT = 0.0000
Likely you have overlapping atoms as the initial energy and gradient is
extremely large. It is somewhat surprising that you get 1 step and then
an RSTACK overflow, but perhaps you have a number of atoms converging to
common positions and this leads to the overflow...
The program ptraj that comes with AMBER has a command to check overlap
among the atoms. If you are using an earlier version of AMBER
(likely) you can get a newer version at
To look for overlap
ptraj prmtop << EOF
trajin inpcrd
where prmtop is your prmtop file and inpcrd is you initial coordinates.
Also, rdparm prmtop allows you to inspect bonds/angles/dihedrals
(printbonds) and types (printlj, printtypes) to see if things are OK in
your prmtop.
Let the list know of further troubles,
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Received on Tue Mar 30 2004 - 04:53:01 PST