Dear AmberUsers:
Thank you all very much for your great help!
I also find it at :)
John Bushnell wrote:
> Sounds like the font problem. The following has worked for several
>people (including myself) in earlier versions of RedHat:
>Note that XaLeap_wcl is now found (Amber 7) in $AMBERHOME/dat, but
>you'll have to check in Amber 6:
>>>Yes, I figured out how to fix it.
>>>Go to the following directory.
>>>Edit the file "XaLeap_wcl".
>>>Locate the following line
>>>XaLeap*commands.text*font: *-*-medium-r-*-14-*-m-*
>>>Change it into
>>>That will fix the problem.
> Hope that helps - John
>On Mon, 15 Mar 2004, scopio wrote:
>>Dear AmberUsers
>>I compiled amber6 on a rh9. I find xleap's universe editor couldn't
>>display any words thought it can produce words. I mean it looks like the
>>color of the word produced by universe editor is the same with
>>background color. I can copy these words out to another editor for
>>viewing but can't see them in the xleap's universe editor except cursor.
>>At first, I think this is due to my compiling process. But I find it
>>works ok in another RH9 which installed Accelerator X server and also
>>works ok by connecting though exceed8.0 from windows.
>>I think this may due to my graphic driver. I update my graphic driver
>>with latest nvidia driver but the problem still couldn't be resolved.
>>Could anybody give me any suggestion? Thanks in advance!
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Received on Tue Mar 16 2004 - 01:53:00 PST