You forget to put pop=mk in the Guassian input line. As as result there is no esp point in your gaussian output file and you do not see anything in your esp.out file. I am not dure if you need to use 6-31G** (Normally 6-31G* is sufficient for resp charge fitting)
You can try the following
# hf(or b3lyp)/6-31g* 5d pop=(Minimal,MK) IOp(6/33=2, 6/41=10, 6/42=14)
Iop(6/42) can be varied from 5 10 17 depennding on the size of your molecule. As your molecules has only 17 atoms you can use 17. pop=(Minimal,MK) --- > Minimal is optional. I think it is teh default.
I hope it helps,
----- Original Message -----
From: Ming-Hsun Ho
To: amber.scripps.edu
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 12:28 AM
Subject: Re: AMBER: A Question about RESP
Hi, Jiten
Thanks for your help!
The Gaussian98 output file is
I can use it for generating *.ac, *resp1.in and *resp2.in well,
so I think that the Gaussian98 output file is ok.
But I still need your check again!
Thanks again!
Ming-Hsun Ho
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