AMBER: compiling xleap on MAC OS X.3

From: Yunfeng Hu <>
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 14:19:57 -0800

Hi, I got the following error when compiling xleap on panther:

ld: archive: ../Wc/libWcLeap.a has no table of contents, add one with
ranlib(1) (can't load from it)
make[2]: *** [xaLeap] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [World] Error 2

I have read Peter Haggerty's message and found changes on makefile
related to ranlib. I wonder if anyone can suggest the similar changes
for the xleap makefile since I am not quite familiar with this. Thank


*****from Peter haggerty's email in amber archive 2003/0506******
3. Edit $AMBERHOME/src/ptraj/pdb/Makefile
     Follow the instructions in the Makefile for BSD, and
     change the RANLIB variable to "ranlib", also change
     the LINTOPT to "-C".

4. Edit $AMBERHOME/src/roar-2.1/Makefile
     Add "; ranlib mop7mm.a" to the end of the line reading
     "cd mop7mm; make mop7mm.a"

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