Re: AMBER: Compiling AMBER7 on Suse

From: Bill Ross <>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 10:27:25 -0800 (PST)

> _connrg_.f: In subroutine `torccs':
> _connrg_.f:852: internal compiler error: in get_loop_body, at cfgloop.c:1026
> Please submit a full bug report,
> with preprocessed source if appropriate.
> See <URL:> for instructions.
> Have anyone had such a problem?? It is beyond my programming skills...
> I would appreciate any help.

It is a compiler bug, so aside from reporting it to the indicated
URL, the best you can do is switch compilers or start changing the
code to make logically equivalent alternatives that might not trip
the bug. For the latter you would have to generate _connrg_.f:

% cat connrg.f | cpp -traditional -P -DNOEWALD -DLinux -DHAS_10_12 > _connrg_.f

and see what's happening at line 852, then modify connrg.f - I
see that line is a label for the end of an outer loop and that there
is a goto to it contained within an inner loop:

     * THEN
                     NTORCC = NTORCC + 1
                     ITORCC(1,NTORCC) = (IP(I)/3) + 1
                     ITORCC(2,NTORCC) = (ABS(LP(I))/3) + 1
                     GO TO 10 <<*****************************************
                 END IF
              END IF

Replacing the goto with an equivalent construction might
avoid the compiler bug.

Bill Ross

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Received on Tue Nov 18 2003 - 18:53:01 PST
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