Re: AMBER: Any correct way to image a molecule ?

From: Carlos Simmerling <>
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 05:27:18 -0500

> The attachment you see is my GPG signature key, which certifies
> that i'm writing and nobody else. I understand that the attachment is
> somewhat misleading, to i'll try to find a way to do it differently.

no, it isn't just the key. there are 2 attachments, 1 is the key and
1 is the main message. this mail today worked fine and the ones yesterday
were attachments, did you do something differently?

It is fine that you use antivirus software, my message was meant
as a reminder to people posting that they should avoid attachments
when possible in order to get the most number of people to
read their message and respond. with attachments, many people
may just not bothing reading your mail.

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Received on Fri Nov 14 2003 - 10:53:01 PST
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